AfterCare is available from 3:15 pm-6:00 pm each school day, unless otherwise specified by the school due to holidays, half days, etc. No morning care is available; student drop-off begins at 7:15am.
Aftercare rates are as follows:
One-Time Registration/Supply Fee: $30 per student
(Billed to FACTS on the first day of AfterCare attendance)
Monthly Charges per Student: 1st Student: $270/month
2nd Student: $135/month
3rd Student: $70/month
The monthly charge will be billed whether using Aftercare one day a month or every day of the month!
There are absolutely NO DROP-INS due to safety, space, and staff.
Late Pickup Charge: Students must be picked up by 6:00pm. A late fee of $10 per minute will be assessed after that. If a student has not been picked up by 6:15pm, the local police will be called.
Emergency Contact Forms are REQUIRED prior to student’s first day of attendance.