In the Fall of 2018, the St. Martin de Porres School Advisory Council, in conjunction with the school administration and pastor, began to assess the current and forecasted needs of St. Martin de Porres Catholic School.
St. Martin de Porres Catholic School aspires to great things for the school and its students. It defines a vision for how St. Martin de Porres Catholic School will pursue its mission to provide a Catholic education of the highest quality where students are challenged to learn and live their faith through commitment and service in a caring and supportive academic environment.
This plan presents a forward-looking vision for the school while it affirms the fundamental principles, assumptions, and values that serve as the foundation of our community. We are very proud of our school, students, and faculty. We have great confidence that all who are a part of this community share a common vision and goal. Constructive interaction and clear communication among our stakeholders is essential for direction, growth, and on-going evaluation.
This is our most comprehensive strategic plan to date in our school’s young history. The plan included input from current parents, faculty, administration, parishioners, and School Advisory Council members. The School Advisory Council, in crafting the plan, provided thorough, thoughtful, and realistic recommendations for our school based on the National Standards and Benchmarks for Effective Catholic Elementary and Secondary Schools. On behalf of the St. Martin de Porres School Advisory Council, we are pleased to present our 2019-2024 Strategic Plan.
Sincerely in Christ,
Father Stephen Hauck, Pastor