We are honored to kick off our 11th year of participation in the Wreaths Across America service project. WAA is a service project where we sell wreaths to be placed on the graves of our country’s veterans each December. We are teaming up with our Knights of Columbus to place wreaths on 240 graves at the Little Elm Cemetery. We will be the only organization at the Little Elm Cemetery, so it's very important to get our families to help lay wreaths and pray for our veterans on December 16, 2023. You will receive volunteer hours for volunteering to lay wreaths.
If you are available to help lay wreaths, please complete the form: https://forms.gle/E5vUuaErZD1KZgBh6
Selling Wreaths:
We are currently selling wreaths through November 30, 2023, at the link below. If your family had a group page last year, you may use it again and your username and password should still work. If you are new to WAA and would like a family page, please email me and I will send you a link to create a page. You do not need a family page this year to sell wreaths. We are shifting our focus this year to selling 300+ wreaths and getting families out on December 16th to help lay the wreaths with our Knights. SMdP does receive a portion back to the school for each wreath sold, but this is a service project most importantly.
Link to sell wreaths: Please share on your social media pages. A flyer is above with QR Code.
We need volunteers the next two weekends to pass out flyers after each mass and to sell wreaths after Mass (you must be money handler cleared to sell). I need at least 2 people per mass. This is an easy way to get volunteer hours. The sign-up genius is below to volunteer for the weekends.
We need 2-4 volunteers to place maker flags at the cemetery on Friday, December 8, 2023, at 4:00PM. If this is something you can help with, please email ktalley@smdpcatholic.org.